Thomas Fitzgibbons


Meet Tom Fitzgibbons: Father of five, husband of MaryAnn, Poppy to TEN grand kids and TWO furry ones, and very proudly retired Chicago Pipefitter. Aside from the basics Tom is an avid White Sox fan, loves his Fightin' Irish and Chicago Bears, and most impressively loves ALL things Chicago.

Unfortunately, Tom is currently undergoing the battle of his life and could use a helping hand, a smidge of support, and a whole lotta love! After a series of surgeries, procedures, rehab stays, hyperbaric treatments and medical nightmares we are raising the white flag. Tom's leg is being amputated on July 12, 2018, which a month shy of his 76th birthday is NOT the ideal way to celebrate.

His advanced Parkinson's will certainly make the road to recovery more complex, but our dad is resilient and Chicago strong. I created this page to help my mom and dad take their minds off medical bills, what seems like a constant flow of bad news, and the long road to recovery ahead.

Will you help them on what most assuredly will be the most difficult times of their lives? Our dad, our Poppy, our Chicago Strong Parkinson's survivor!

Guest Book

The Michael J. Fox Foundation

The Michael J. Fox Foundation is dedicated to finding a cure for Parkinson's disease and to ensuring the development of improved therapies for those living with Parkinson's today. The Foundation is the world's largest nonprofit funder of Parkinson's research, with more than $800 million in high-impact research funded to date.

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