Raised in Tribute:
$877606.00I'm coming
Yes, I have early-onset Parkinson's and it's time I not only admitted it to myself but to those around me who love and care for me. For now, as I begin this journey, I am going to make a choice to embrace the change and, as always, count my blessings.
I am blessed to have the love and support of the most caring husband in the world!
I am blessed to have a daughter whose strength continues to motivate me!
I am blessed that although our new move, in a new state, an a new home occurred at what may seem like an inopportune time it also means I now live close to one of the best Parkinsons research facilities in the country!
I am blessed that while I am away from my friends, I am making new friends and my circle of support continues to grow!
I am blessed that my job search remains open, but promising!
I am blessed to finally have a diagnosis which explains what has been happening to me (double-edged sword, that one)!
I am blessed with parents whose love is never-ending!
I am blessed with my new extended family in Alabama who can always make me smile!
I am blessed to be here, and I will never ignore that blessing!
Welcome to my journey, friends. I have cried. I have laughed. I have sat silently wondering, "Seriously? Why me?!" And I have come to the conclusion that I can do this. I can deal with this disease and whatever changes it holds in store for me. Why? Because it's just who I am :)
The Michael J. Fox Foundation is dedicated to finding a cure for Parkinson's disease and to ensuring the development of improved therapies for those living with Parkinson's today. The Foundation is the world's largest nonprofit funder of Parkinson's research, with more than $800 million in high-impact research funded to date.
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