My journey with Parkinson’s Disease started with a slight annoying tremor in my left hand. I went to my primary care Dr. Wm. Bell on 3/12/2020 and he diagnosed PD. He checked my gate and I wasn't dragging my left foot. He ran several blood panels, an EKG, and a CT scan to eliminate other causes. The results were all negative., except for high cholesterol. The radiologist summed it all up by saying, l I have an unremarkable brain.”
Dr. Bell suggested I see a neurologist. Dr. Kristine Jessen who, true to her reputation. as having a tough, bedside manner, confirmed the diagnosis of Parkinson’s Disease.
Dr. Bell left on an indefinite sabbatical and suggested I have a sleep study conducted. I then discovered that Dr. Glass is a movement neurologist and conducts sleep studies for sleep apnea. The sleep study was absolutely miserable with electronic leads all over my body a finger oxygen monitor and I was forced to lay on my back all night. The study was inconclusive for sleep apnea. So, I had a home study with Ambien to help me sleep and fewer electronic leads. The home study indicated moderate sleep apnea and I was referred to Prodigy for a CPAC machine which was back ordered.
I finally got the CPAC and after a month of use, I was determined to be qualified for Medicare reimbursement.
Since then, I saw Dr. Glass and he then prescribed 50-200 mg. Carbidopa-Levodopa. Dr, Glas was making trips to Homer from Anchorage and discontinued. I then moved to Dr. David Rankine, a neurologist, at S. Peninsula Hospital.
Dr. Rankine seemed mainly interested in prescriptions. I would bring in notes and articles but we rarely discussed them. I complained a good deal about being tired all the time and it was addressed by prescription having a series of falls and thought the medication was responsible. One med Rasigline and Trazodone had a severe to dangerous drug interaction according to a website. When I quit taking Rasagiline Dr. Rankine vociferously objected.
Meanwhile, I got Dr. Swain as my primary care Dr. He referred me to the heart institute in Soldotna but they had no openings so I went to Anchorage and saw Dr. Abzula, he conducted an EKG, a stress test, and a heart sonogram. He concluded that everything seemed normal despite having a beat.
Dr. Rankine left Hospital and now I see Dr. Melissa Hiury. She seems very thorough and interested in my sleep chronic insomnia and constant tiredness. I asked about Deep Brain Stimulation and Focused Ultrasound and she didn't believe I was yet a candidate for that treatment. She suggested CBD Oil as a sleep aid but it has not been effective nor has melatonin (5mg)
Meanwhile, after Dr. Swain left, I got Dr. Joe Lelano as my primary care Dr. Joe seemed sincerely interested in my tiredness and chronic insomnia. He referred me to a speech therapist and a physical therapist.
Both have been very helpful along with an occupational therapist in voice management (I've pretty much lost. my voice) and balance techniques/ strength.
My Parkinson's has ‘progressed’ to the point where I am severely tired, cannot take bird trips due to early morning departures, and am unable to hike the full length of our neighboring park.
I manage to walk the road 1 mile 2x day. The slightest hill is a challenge.
I continue to do home exercises and hope the P. doesn't continue to progress. I have fewer falls now that I am not taking Rasagiline, Trazodone, and Doxepin
I take Pramipexole (0.125mg.)for restless legs and that helps.
I'm slowly getting stronger in voice and balance.
The Michael J. Fox Foundation is dedicated to finding a cure for Parkinson's disease and to ensuring the development of improved therapies for those living with Parkinson's today. The Foundation is the world's largest nonprofit funder of Parkinson's research, with more than $800 million in high-impact research funded to date.
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